Music Helps Clara Express Herself
Clara, a student at Norwood Elementary, shared with us her excitement about playing viola in Education Through Music-Los Angeles’s Music Unites the World Festival this March. “Being involved in this festival makes me overjoyed because people can express themselves through music. I feel great about that.”
Her father has observed the noticeable difference in Clara’s personality and demeanor. He explains, “Both at school and at home, we have noticed that Clara is more focused and more responsible, and she also has a more positive attitude. She goes around the house humming and singing, and is very happy.”
Clara reflects that learning about music “makes me feel like I can show my expressions to other people and they know what I feel.” Her father attributes Clara’s positive changes to music. He states, “It is a must for not only children, but for everyone to get into rhythm with music.”
Education Through Music-Los Angeles (ETM-LA) brings quality music education programs to students who need it the most, and we want to thank you for helping us further our mission! After 12 years, our organization has grown from serving 2 schools and 800 students our first year to reaching approximately 14,000 students this year with the power of music.
With your continued support, ETM-LA will be able to provide key services to disadvantaged schools and to more students like Clara.
Thank you for being part of our mission and providing children with hope for a brighter future through music education!
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