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Danica Finds Healing and Hope through Music

Danica dealt with an emotional hardship after the unexpected absence of a loved one in her life. “It took a toll on her. She was constantly sad, and for a while, it was very difficult to deal with her emotions,” shares her mother, Mireya. Thanks to supporters like you, Danica was able to find her passion and an outlet through music. “I am thankful that through choir, she has shifted her sadness to being happy and wanting to express her thoughts through music. At school her grades have gone up,” notes her mother, “especially in math. I have also noticed when [she is] writing she says the words in a rhythm.”

Mireya truly believes in the importance of music education for all children, not just for Danica. “It gives them a sense of being themselves and being able to express their minds. [It] keeps them happy.” Long-standing research shows that music and arts education improves not only social-emotional health, but also school engagement and enhancement in other subject areas. * When asked what her favorite subjects are, Danica responded, “Music and Writing.” She loves to “learn new notes”.

Education Through Music-Los Angeles (ETM-LA) brings quality music education programs to students who need it the most, and we want to thank you for helping us further our mission!  After 12 years, our organization has grown from serving 2 schools and 800 students our first year to reaching a planned 14,000 students this year with the power of music.

With your continued support, ETM-LA will be able to provide key services to disadvantaged schools and to more students like Danica.

Thank you for being part of our mission and providing children with hope for a brighter future through music education!

To support more students like Danica, visit ways to give.


*Hallam, S. (2010). The power of music: Its impact on the intellectual, social and personal development of children and young people. International Journal of Music Education28(3), 269-289.

*Ruppert, S. S. (2009). Why schools with arts programs do better at narrowing achievement gaps. Education Week29(5).