For ETM-LA 5th grader Mae C whose favorite genres of music include pop and jazz – music is a conduit for self-expression. “I like music because you get to express the way you feel. I also like the way songs express sadness, happiness and drama,” she says.
Thanks to supporters like you, we believe that someday, Mae C will have the opportunity to reach her dreams of becoming an animator, architect, and attorney through a robust and well-rounded education that includes music and the arts.
Erica, Mae C’s mother shares how music has positively impacted her daughter’s life. “[Mae C] takes great pride in being a member of the band. She is very responsible about knowing how to play the pieces and she likes showing the new players how to play. Mae C is very good at the trombone and that helps her self – esteem,” says Erica.
She also relays the importance of music for every child: “Music is part of who we are as human beings. At school, it is a group of students making music together. They have to work together. They rely on each other and enjoy being part of the whole. Reading music is another language. It helps the brain. Music should be part of every school curriculum. It cuts through all that divides us.”
Mae C is currently one of over 7,000 schoolchildren we serve at 16 disadvantaged schools with weekly, yearlong comprehensive music instruction. Our goal for the upcoming school year – and our 10th Anniversary – is to expand to reach 8,500 children at 20 schools.
We are grateful for your continuing support and would love to invite you to visit our music classes in action at anytime. In addition, as we expand our music education programs, we’d love to hear from you on how we can make the greatest impact in serving school communities with the greatest need.
Thank you for joining our mission and providing children with hope for a brighter future through music education!