Making Instruments from Home
1) Using the scientific method to identify how different materials and densities can affect pitch
2) Using observation to classify materials into instrument categories
3) Building instruments (using measurements, rulers) from household items (boxes, fishing wire, rubberbands).
ETM-LA Making Instruments with Students (click on the link below): |
Online/Virtual Resources
12 Famous Museum Virtual Tours
Free Educational Companies Subscriptions and Resources
Save the Music List of Resources
Dallas Symphony Orchestra Kids
The Berliner Philharmoniker’s Digital Concert Hall : Instructions for Digital Concert Review
Gahu African Drumming & Dance from Ghana — Listen & Learn! | ThisWorldMusic
- 30 day access for free using Code: BERLINPHIL (Expires March 31, 2020)
Met Opera
Article: Site will be active March 16, 2020
NY Phil Kidzone:
SFS Kids:
Carnegie Hall Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra:
Virtual Tour: Musical Instrument Museum,-111.9786081,2a,75y,149.99h,76.75t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sEPbskWuTZDFyD4K4VmG_kA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 (the actual virtual tour)